Welcome to Artifacts, a blog dedicated to the exploration of history and culture through stories, symbols, and art. Over the coming weeks, months, maybe even years, I am going to seek out and write about stories from the past. Stories you likely haven’t heard of yet provide a window into a certain world view. One post may be about a statue, another about a church. I have one post planned about a symbol on an ancient Roman altar. Anything that captures the essence of a moment, or a person, or a philosophy is fair game for a post.
Why write (or, in your case, read) about this? Well, I am driven by an insatiable curiosity about how people in the past grappled with the world. What did they see when they looked at a painting? How did they feel when they stepped inside a temple? What gave them a sense of meaning and how did they express it? These are the questions I want to talk about in my posts. If you feel that same sense of curiosity that I do, then you are in the right place.
In taking on this enormous task, I promise to put in every effort to ensure that my writing does justice to the people, objects, and events I write about. I will do my best to ensure I am conveying facts accurately and promise to correct mistakes as soon as I learn of them. I humbly request your patience, particularly in these early days, as I figure out how best to go about this.
The first substantive post will be up within the next week. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for joining me on this journey.